About BBMG

Stands for Big Bank Money Gang. A clothing brand company in which we
provide some of the best quality pieces for all styles in the fashion
industry today. Styles such as Urban, Sports Wear, Vintage, Preppy,
Street Wear an our most popular by demand our Tie Dye collection. We
provide all styles for men, women & children.

Joining our movement would be one of the greatest decision you’ll
make as far as fashion and purchasing clothing. Not only is our apparel
comfortable, stylish and current, but affordable prices in which shows
it’s more about the message, then just collecting payments from peoples
hard earned money.

BBMG is not just a brand, but a company who wants to motivate
others to never settle, an always push to improve, in being your best.
Which brings us to our motto “Always Want More, For You & Yours”. So
when the next time you thinking about quitting, giving up or just
simply feel as though things aren’t going as you wish, take a look at
that logo an remind yourself it’s possible an to keep going.

So look BETTER! Feel BETTER! & Be BETTER! Join with us and know
your worth!! It’s BBMG Baby!!


First photoshoot with the king himself T.I. for his clothing company A.K.O.O.
  • Who an what motivated you into starting your own clothing line?

    No other then the king himself "T.I." It was a few years back, where it was brought to our attention that he was looking for a fresh new face for his clothing company (A.K.O.O.). Never did i ever really consider modeling but, something told me to take a chance, which was probably one of the greatest decisions I've ever made in my life.

    After applying an getting all the information i needed, i knew that it was going to take extreme hardwork an commitment, if i was going to win this contest. i would be up late nights/early mornings working hard, barely sleeping, all to try an get as many votes possible just to be considered.

    To make a long story short, the dead line came, and at first i thought i didnt make it because i didn't get the email when i was suppose to, minutes later it came in, an all i seen was "CONGRATULATIONS" on being selected as the new face of (A.K.O.O Clothing). Out of millions of people, never did i think it would be me they'd choose. Not only did i do that shoot, but i connected so well with such great people that unexpectedly was asked if i wanted to come back an do shoots for the other seasons.

    Moral of the story brings us to how i came up with our company motto an thats to "Always Want More, 4 You An Yours" which means to NEVER settle an to always push harder and believe in yourself. Never Give Up. You get out, what you put in, so keep going an see GOD bless you!!!

*BBMG Clothing & Apparel*

*BBMG Clothing & Apparel* Is a company created an founded by both Terrell Campbell & Megan Gunnells. Both had big dreams of being recording artists, but by so many people trying to pursue that same dream, they both tried another tactic to get their foot in the door. Starting their own clothing company. In the beginning there were like most businesses tough time getting it going, an knowing the proper resources in order to get their brand where they wanted it. After facing the harsh realties of creating a buzz, switching logos seeing what could catch peoples eyes they finally caught fire by grabbing the attention of Comedian Jess Hilarious, Actor Kel Mitchell, Powers Jason Mitchet an many more. Now with a kick start an such inspiration, hard work an dedication, BBMG Clothing is now one of the most talked about an highly requested clothing brands worldwide today. So make sure keep focus an watch out nah, because before you know it "BBMG Clothing & Apparel will soon be in a store near you!


Thank you to all the celebs that's been rocking our brand showing us love & support. Your greatly appreciated. #RESPECT!!